Monday, May 23, 2011

seeing pretty things and passing time... day 2

So we don't have any official business until tomorrow am.  Today we "relax" and do some recovery from jetlag.  This AM we awoke about 6, and headed out to find some breakfast.  We wandered around our general vicinity for about an hour or so.  By mid morning we met up with the senti family and went to the monestary to take in some architecture...hence the photos above... It was beautiful and the temp has reached 85 today.  We contemplated moving on to another afternoon siteseeing trip....but we decided to be wise and lay low to prepare for the business of the next few days.  I'm back in the apt with my feet up, as I've had the joy of experiencing my first bout of prego ankle swelling today....I'm sure it's from all the travel over the weekend, and then all the hills and stairs we are being good and getting some rest. We also enjoyed a fun skype time with the kids today as they woke up, still in pj's and rubbing the sleepy's out of their eyes.  Tonight we will be joining our friends for some dinner....and then tomorrow AM the "real" reason for the trip begins.

Here is a link for you...this page shows RR kids in Shea's orphanage who have not been matched with their fate is questionable....    Again, i'm not 100% sure that Shea is still in the baby house.  I think we will find out tomorrow.    I'm hoping I might be able to love on some of the other kids while we're here....time will tell.

Last night Dan and I got a chance to watch a dvd we brought with us from home.  It was a sermon from a father / comedian with a son who has spina bifida....hitting home about the value of life.  Wow, it was inspirational, and certainly a good pep talk / kick off for us after a long weekend of layovers and plane rides. 

I'm also noticing how my previous travels have made the transition here quite a bit easier... for example I'm not shocked and I learn to dodge the lugies of passerby men on the sidewalk bc public spitting is definitely A- ok here :)  The people on the streets are generally very serious, and don't smile easily...I have the giant urge to go up and tickle them to see if we can crack a smile!   Also, the whole waiting in line thing doesn't really apply here as it does at home and you have to claim your spot with gusto to avoid 12 cutters...this skill has come back quickly.  Lastly... mini skirts and chic dressing in the capital city is common for the young beautiful women...I do dare say my husband is enjoying this part!  I just continue my waddle stroll, rub my growing belly and laugh!  I did have to borrow a head / shoulder covering to enter the "cave sanctuary" below one of the churches sleeveless shirt, although otherwise conservative did not meet the standards inside the sanctuary wall.  Amazing how much difference a few miles can make.

On a closing note...please pray for our friend jeff w, as he is undergoing his open heart surgery back home today.  Thanks guys...really appreciate the emails and blog comments, keep em coming....  until tomorrow....


  1. What's up with all those eggs? Do you know the story? You sound relaxed and comfortable. Hope you get some positive news tomorrow. :)

  2. I think the eggs are representative of easter and Christ's rising, bc we saw many of them painted in the shops with bibilical scenes on them... they were at the monastery!
