Monday, May 20, 2013


This will be short and sweet...

If you have a child... close your eyes and picture them.  Now imagine that you no longer exist, and picture your child being raised by 3 or 4 hired women, who care for a score of children, and who may or may not have any emotional connection to your child.  Imagine your child having a medical condition or illness and not getting the basic health care they might need.  Imagine your child having the same exact routine everyday.  Imagine the meals your child has as being repetative and basic, possibly lacking in nutrician.  Imagine when your child has a fever or pain that there are no devoted arms to comfort them. Imagine that they have intestinal parasites that are not alarming, but just normal life in the place that they live...

Now think about sweet Beatrice....much of this could be very real for her at this moment.  This was the plot for our children Simon, Danielle and Shea before we "existed" to them.  This was their lot before all the amzaing donors and supporters existed for them...

after a nice weekend of grant growth... Beatrice has had no new movement for over 24 hours...

Please exist for Beatrice...  in any way, shape or form.

to donate... even what you may think is a small amount... please go here:

please share this blog, and or her link.  Please pray... please exist for her...

thank you....

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